Friday, November 26, 2010

life life life life life life life

Alright so it has been awhile since I've blogged, and although I have limited time to do this, I thought, there is no better time than the present to write about how life has been going.
Two weeks ago now, I started my new job as a Float Clerk and a law firm downtown Vancouver. At first when I got this job I was so excited and overwhelmed that I said yes right away thinking, 'man I'm going to be one of those business people that work downtown Vancouver,' great right? Well little did I think about all those other "things" that come along with it. What other things you might ask? Well the 50 minute commute on the train into Vancouver, the rainy walk 15 minutes up the blocks to the office, the 250+ people's names, faces, where they sit, what they do, what lawyers they work for, who are lawyers etc. A little overwhelming you might say? Yes! But it excited me to take this next step. It was however probably one of the hardest steps I ever took. If any of the ladies from MLT in Regina read this blog you may or may not know, that I called there my second day in, bawling my face off, missing every single person in the office, and I can name YOU ALL! Life in the big city just isn't the same. Beautiful? Yes! Exciting? Yes! Fast paced? Yes! Friendly People? Well. ..
Because life is so busy here it seems that people don't really care to get to know you, care about happiness, life, anything. I mean it's different when you are consumed by work and busy, but when you are all sitting down in the lunch room. . . and you are left alone at your table while everyone else continues sitting down with eachother else where, laughing away and enjoying life. . . or you say hi to fellow workers (on your team) in the hallway and they walk past you like you blended in with the wall. . or you ask a simple question because obviously being new you don't exactly know everything. . and get a rude harsh knife stabbing remark back. . . Yup. . those things can bring tears to a persons' eyes. I miss home. . . but I love it here and the work that I am doing, regardless if people like me back or care to know me. As much as I want to through in the towel and say 'forget it.' I know I'm a bigger and stronger person for that. I enjoy my job everyone, don't think that I don't. . . it's just. . . different.
Anyways, what else has life brought me? Rain. . snow.,. rain. ... snow . .. rain. . etc.
Time with Nick has been great and often see eachother daily. . . He even said the other day he would be cheering for Saskatchewan in the Grey Cup this weekend. . I will get pictures and evidence don't worry. . Anyways. . Until next time everyone. .. . .
I will write you tonight or tomorrow. ..
Back to work I go. .

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