Friday, November 26, 2010

life life life life life life life

Alright so it has been awhile since I've blogged, and although I have limited time to do this, I thought, there is no better time than the present to write about how life has been going.
Two weeks ago now, I started my new job as a Float Clerk and a law firm downtown Vancouver. At first when I got this job I was so excited and overwhelmed that I said yes right away thinking, 'man I'm going to be one of those business people that work downtown Vancouver,' great right? Well little did I think about all those other "things" that come along with it. What other things you might ask? Well the 50 minute commute on the train into Vancouver, the rainy walk 15 minutes up the blocks to the office, the 250+ people's names, faces, where they sit, what they do, what lawyers they work for, who are lawyers etc. A little overwhelming you might say? Yes! But it excited me to take this next step. It was however probably one of the hardest steps I ever took. If any of the ladies from MLT in Regina read this blog you may or may not know, that I called there my second day in, bawling my face off, missing every single person in the office, and I can name YOU ALL! Life in the big city just isn't the same. Beautiful? Yes! Exciting? Yes! Fast paced? Yes! Friendly People? Well. ..
Because life is so busy here it seems that people don't really care to get to know you, care about happiness, life, anything. I mean it's different when you are consumed by work and busy, but when you are all sitting down in the lunch room. . . and you are left alone at your table while everyone else continues sitting down with eachother else where, laughing away and enjoying life. . . or you say hi to fellow workers (on your team) in the hallway and they walk past you like you blended in with the wall. . or you ask a simple question because obviously being new you don't exactly know everything. . and get a rude harsh knife stabbing remark back. . . Yup. . those things can bring tears to a persons' eyes. I miss home. . . but I love it here and the work that I am doing, regardless if people like me back or care to know me. As much as I want to through in the towel and say 'forget it.' I know I'm a bigger and stronger person for that. I enjoy my job everyone, don't think that I don't. . . it's just. . . different.
Anyways, what else has life brought me? Rain. . snow.,. rain. ... snow . .. rain. . etc.
Time with Nick has been great and often see eachother daily. . . He even said the other day he would be cheering for Saskatchewan in the Grey Cup this weekend. . I will get pictures and evidence don't worry. . Anyways. . Until next time everyone. .. . .
I will write you tonight or tomorrow. ..
Back to work I go. .

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

i'm sorry

i'm sorry i haven't blogged in forever! truly forever. .
i will blog for you all tonight
it's been a busy few weeks. . .
i will fill you in tonight
i promise. . .

Monday, November 8, 2010

Ohkie Dohkie

So, I realized I haven't blogged in a very long time. Why you might ask what have I been up to? Well a whole lot of nothing-ness, but obviously little things here and there occurred thus keeping me mildly busy since last Friday. Friday evening we had a wonderful birthday dinner for Nick's mom. Consisting of delicious Greek food, followed by fruit salsa and homemade marble cake for dessert! Earlier that day I had been out with Nick's sister in law Jeneva, and we were discussing the dessert I would be making for supper that evening, and realized she is allergic to nuts, so I made certain that I did not make any desserts that came into contact with any nut what so ever. We had a blast that night hanging out with everyone. Jeneva (the crazy auntie that she is) along with her side kick Lauren (future crazy auntie#2) spoon fed Noah (age 1 1/2) spoonfuls of green icing along with cinnamon and sugar mixed together. Hey we figured if we weren't taking him home, we didn't have to deal with him right? Well Uncle Nick reaped the benefits of a hyper sugar filled red head toddler running around screaming in his high pitched squeal rolling on the floor and pile driving Uncle Nick. He took it in strides though and was laughing the whole time.
Saturday, uneventful in ways, I had the opportunity to sleep in a little bit, then continue on my day in the comfiest fashion possible, lulu's and a good ol' bunny hug.

Side note about the whole "bunny hug," situation. . . I get the weirdest looks from people around here when I call my "sweater" a bunny hug. Come on people, that's what it's called. And I will not conform to calling it a "pull over" a "hoodie" or whatever. Zip up's have hoods. . . they can be called hoodies, some coats have hoods, they can be called hoodies. A bunny hug is a bunny hug. . . deal with it.

Vent over. . . moving on :)

Saturday Nick and I, along with his mom, ventured to the airport hotel where we dropped her off for the evening. She was catching an early morning flight to that hot place in the desert to vacation until Christmas time. . . not that Nick and I were jealous or anything. . . we both strangely enjoy the plus 6 and rainy weather. . if sarcasm is heard in that statement, you are. . . wrrrrrr. .right. . .

Sunday morning after venturing to meet Nick, we went on to get some coffees and off to Church we went. Only to be harrassed for showing up with no coffee for the Pastor, and that it was Tim Horton's not Starbucks. My initial response was "I'm from Saskatchewan, I'm pretty sure we only have one Starbucks in the entire province" to which he responded "Fair enough. .". . I think it's safe to say I will always be a Tim Horton's junky. .
We continued to go our separate ways for the rest of the day. I spent my day with Nick's sister in law Danielle and her lil guy Noah (Remember the crazy red head from earlier) We hung out and wandered the mall, and once that part of my eventful day was over, I ventured to another suburb amongst the many to pick up my dear friend Cid, who happened to have a sleepover watching Pretty Woman at my place! She had never seen the movie, and seeing as Julia Roberts is one of my all time favorite actresses and that movie is ranked highly on my list of movies I love, I thought it was a definite must to watch. Again, it never let me down, I loved every moment of it.  As Cid stated, "I freaking LOVE pretty woman". . . Enough said.

Today, Monday, Cid and I slept in way late, got ourselves a cup of coffee and a yogurt, wandered the cute little shops along the streets in Maple Ridge, made people laugh, talked about good ol' Saskatchewan, made more people laugh, smile and enjoy the day, then ventured to her home land (one of them other suburbs) to which she left me for a . . . date, friend, boy, whatever you want to call it. I ventured home in the slow and i mean slow moving traffic. Got home, cleaned my house, went over to Nick's, had dinner, watched the tv show I recorded yesterday on the life of Prince William and his girly friend Kate Middleton. Watched a movie with Nick, came home to blog.

I got a beautiful bouquet of flowers today. Orange and red and white :) So pretty. He's great! He also bought me my favorite chocolates. After Eight Mints. . . :) He makes my heart smile :)

Anyways. . long enough blog. . . Bed time for me!

Until next time. . Keep fit and have fun!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Long awaited blog. .

I cannot believe it has been a hand full of days since I last wrote a blog on Sunday! I wish I could say this blog is going to be the best you've ever read, but unfortunately. . . it's not.
I will however tell you about the ups the downs the circles and squares of my life. . . this week . . if you so care to hear it?
Ohk, well I guess moving on. . Let's take a quick look at my week. .
Monday- I. . .hmm I cannot actually remember what I did Monday. . All I know is I made chicken and pasta for dinner. . . moving on. . .
Tuesday- I took Nick's mom to the eye doctor in the morning, and in the afternoon we enjoyed a wonderful day at the Christian bookstore in Abbotsford! Tuesday dinner was sweet and sour meatballs and rice.

side note- I'm telling you about these meals, because Nick and I are trying to be creative with what we have for dinner's in the evening :)  moving on. . .

Wednesday- I GOT A JOB! I was offered a job Wednesday morning at a lawfirm downtown Van-City! I was so so excited! It's going to be similar to what I was doing in Sask-at-chew-an, so I am super pumped for that!
After I calmed down from all the excitement, I went into Fall cleaning mode at the Fun-Home (Aka the funeral home) I cleaned cupboards and removed old unwanted items all day long. Busy busy day!
That night Nick's mom and I made chicken gyros. . . SO delicious!

Thursday- aka today- I helped Nick's mom babysit her grandson Noah and we played outside in the sun all day. I made blueberry muffins (compliments of Martha Stewart's recipe) and then because the Nuckle-heads were playing hockey on tv. Aka the Canucks, Nick had ask we order pizza. So we ordered Panago. Mmm delicious, and then Nick and I proceeded to do ab work outs. . . hurt my stomach.
Also we watched the new episode of The Big Bang Theory. I TRULY Love that show, it is absolutely hilarious. Like. . hilarious. . . I literally LOL yes. . laugh out loud.

And that brings me to tonight.
I would continue you typing but I'm at the stage of tired-ness that I feel sick and nauseous. . .
time for sleeeeeeep.

Remember: Remembrance Day is coming up. . . it's important! Find a place for your moment of silence, or even better find a Remembrance Day service to go to!