Friday, October 29, 2010

naps, music, traffic and planes

so i had to think about what to blog tonight, because i knew that since i havent blogged for a couple days, you all would be waiting in anticipation for this next blog. sorry, it's not going to be that exciting, but i can tell you about my eventful-ish day.
waking up i proceeded to double check the job websites, a daily activity for me lately, and then got ready in my "professional" attire to do more resume dropping off. i headed to a few firms around the city and dropped off a bundle here and there and everywhere. not feeling so good at this point and i head home thinking i just need something to eat. it's now the afternoon by the time i get home, and i feel so "poopy" and drained i curl up in my bed to try and get warm, as i am quite cold and shivering. next thing i know it's 2:30 and nick is texting me letting me know he will be at my place around 3 to head to pick up his mom at the airport. i can barely open my eyes to read the text and a blurried response i roll out of bed now that my stomach feels like it's eating a hole through my skin. i stumble to the kitchen and slowly but surely start to make myself my wonderful toasted tuna sandwich, with the special jar of "Greiner relish" given to me by my mom before she left.
next phase of the day, nick picks me up to head to the airport, in friday afternoon traffic. we both are irritated and nagging each other to the point where we both start laughing. so completely over tired and grumpy that laughter is the next best thing. great tunes come on and we slowly make our way to the airport as i am bopping in the passenger seat. i roll my window down, because now i have become beyond irritated and moved into hyper laughter, every car that goes by i give a "hello" shout, windows down or not, every car around us deserves a hello.
now the rest of our night was boring so i will make it short, we picked up nick's mom from the airport, went for dinner and now are sitting watching the hamilton vs calgary football game! wooooonderful!
more blogging to come!

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